Swiss Rail Pass Comparison Calculator
Choosing the best rail pass for your trip to Switzerland can be overwhelming. Not only can it be confusing, it is also very time consuming.
To save you hours of time online looking up prices for every individual train ride and mountain excursion you'd like to include in your itinerary, we've done the hard work for you.
Our online rail pass comparison calculator has the prices for over 130 popular rail trips in Switzerland pre-loaded. You simply have to select the trips you'd like to take from the dropdown menu and the calculator will show you the total cost of your itinerary based on the different rail pass options you have selected.
The calculator makes it quick and easy to see which Swiss rail pass offers the best value for your trip.
But you get more than just the calculator.
The accompanying workbook includes our 4-step process for choosing the best rail pass, printable planning sheets for you to record your ideal itinerary, printable price lists of all the pre-loaded rail journeys and the various rail passes (should you prefer to calculate your trip cost manually), maps showing the area covered by each pass, and more.
Here's what you get:
- Instruction guide with link to online calculator (PDF)
- Workbook containing useful printable planning sheets, information about the various rail passes, price list for most popular rail journeys and mountain excursions, sample itineraries, general information about travelling by train in Switzerland (PDF)
- Online calculator with pre-loaded prices for 100+ rail journeys, 30+ mountain excursions and 6 different rail passes (available as a Google Sheet, a Google account is required to access the calculator)
- Video demonstrating how to use the online calculator
Don't waste your hard earned money buying the wrong rail pass. Get our handy online calculator and confidently choose the right Swiss rail pass for your trip.
Note: A Google account is required to access the online calculator.
Whilst the calculator has pre-loaded fares for more than 100 of the most popular train journeys and more than 30 mountain excursions in Switzerland, it is impossible for us to include every single route. You may need to manually check and add some fares to the grand totals shown in the Calculator if you are travelling on routes that are not pre-loaded.
Includes instruction guide, workbook, access to online calculator (Google Sheet), video demonstration